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Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

We all know that motorcycles are relatively dangerous – but why? What happens on the road that drives motorcycle accident rates through the roof?

Here are some common types of motorcycle accident cases.

Vehicle Proximity Cases

In a large number of cases, the accident happens when the motorcycle is too close to another moving vehicle. This can be when a motorcycle tries to overtake another vehicle on the road, or when the motorcycle is a blind spot of a larger vehicle, such as a box truck or tractor-trailer.

One safety tip is to provide adequate vehicle distance and try to remain visible to other drivers. It’s also recommended that motorcycle riders use helmets even in states where helmet use may be optional, to mitigate the injury from an accident. That said, in Florida, every rider under the age of 21 is required to wear a helmet by law.

Left Turns and Right-of-Way Accidents

A significant number of motorcycle accidents in Florida involve left turns. Any time there’s a question or ambiguity about right-of-way, the motorcycle rider can suffer, because the vehicle is smaller and less visible in general. That requires motorcycle riders to take particular care in making sure other drivers are understanding the rules of the road. If that means flashing lights or waiting a second to cross a busy intersection, it’s worth it to ensure everyone’s safety.

Fixed Object Hazards

Many motorcycle accidents involve items that were carelessly or negligently left on the road. And sometimes there are existing intersections where railroad infrastructure or other obstacles can create immediate danger for motorcycles. These objects can actually compromise traction with the roadway, and serious accidents can result.

Road conditions can also be a problem. If there is loose gravel or some other issue where the motorcycle loses traction, that’s also a serious hazard. That’s why Florida law provides for warning signs and flashing lights for road construction and other types of safety requirements to protect motorcycle drivers and everyone else.

Have questions about a Florida motorcycle accident? Contact the law office of Steve Watrel, an established Jacksonville attorney who understands the legal process for personal injury and car accident claims. With a dedication to each client and a philosophy of personalized legal representation, Steve Watrel and his staff will work with you to help you access your rights under the law. Every car accident victim deserves a fair hearing in court! Let us fight for you and help you to stay informed throughout a car accident case. Too often, insurance companies don’t pay out promptly, or contest a payout for injuries. The law office of Steve Watrel knows how to go to bat for our clients and get necessary compensation for medical bills, lost wages and more.

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Steve Watrel, P.A. is the only accident and injury law attorney that has been personally fighting against nursing home abuse for 30 years in Jacksonville. Contact us and see the difference today.

136 East Bay St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
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