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Do You Have a Personal Injury Case? How to Calculate the Possibility of Success

If you have suffered an injury after an accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. While this is true, you may wonder if you should sue. There are many victims who ask this exact question. They also ask if it is worth the time, hassle, or effort to file a lawsuit. Should they simply try to put the accident behind them? 

While there are no guarantees in the world of personal injury lawsuits, there are some factors that will affect your success when making this type of claim. Be sure to consider the factors here, as they are going to help you determine if you have a case and if you should file a claim. 

Do You Have Legal Representation? 

This is one of the most important factors when figuring out how your personal injury accident claim will resolve. If you don’t have an attorney, you aren’t going to know what is going on, what causes of action you may have, deadlines that may impact your case, or something else. Even if you knew all these things, would you know how to deal with them?

For example, you may know you have an accident claim and that you are due lost future wages. Do you have any idea how you would present that in the court room? Do you know what documents and witnesses you should have? Can you prove to the court that you are actually due these wages?

You also have to remember that the other side is going to try to convince you to accept a lowball offer. Having an attorney is invaluable, as they will let you know when to settle and when to continue the negotiation process. 

The Extent of Your Injuries 

While this may sound somewhat obvious, it’s a catch-22 situation. If you want to recover more money, you have to prove your injuries are more severe. This is something that many plaintiffs forget when they are suing someone for a personal injury. If you are going to win a large sum of money in damages, your injuries must show that this is deserved. 

Evidence Availability 

How much evidence do you have to support your claim? If it is a “he-said-she-said” situation, your likelihood of success may be low. However, if you have dash cam footage of everything that happened, the likelihood of recovering compensation for the accident and injuries you suffered is higher. 

Proving Your Personal Injury Case 

As you can see, there are several factors that may impact the likelihood of success for your personal injury case. Be sure to keep this in mind to fully understand why hiring an attorney is one of the best thing you can do for these situations. 

Remember, the law is always changing, so having the help of a legal professional is going to pay off and help you recover the damages that you deserve.

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Need Help? Contact Steve.

Steve Watrel, P.A. is the only accident and injury law attorney that has been personally fighting against nursing home abuse for 30 years in Jacksonville. Contact us and see the difference today.

136 East Bay St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
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