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How to Find a Nursing Home Facility in Jacksonville

When it’s time to choose between nursing homes in Jacksonville, Florida, or anywhere else, the choice that you make is important. But where do you start?

Most families faced with this choice understand that it’s not as easy as picking up the Yellow Pages. You need good advice on where to start looking for the best nursing homes. You want it based on real criteria that have an impact on the quality of care.

Here are some ways to get started.

U.S. News Health

U.S. News & World Report runs many helpful websites. There’s one on U.S. News Health that sorts nursing home facilities according to specific criteria.

The site lists the number of beds in each home. It rates performance on a five-point scale, and you can investigate whether a facility accepts Medicare or Medicaid.

This can be a good way to start your search for available nursing home facilities in your local community.

Local Government Resources

In northeast Florida, families can also get help from ElderStore. This site bills itself as “the area agency on aging” headquartered in Jacksonville.

Then there are AAOAs. AAOAs are local programs for seniors. They provide a lot of information on nursing homes in Jacksonville. They also show others in various Florida counties around the Jacksonville area.

Private Sector Guides

You can use magazines like U.S. News, online guides and local agencies. offers a list of 117 nursing homes in the Jacksonville area. It rates them with a five-star system. The site provides reviews and some pricing details when you register.

Another site, called ‘A Place for Mom’, has searchable features and visuals to help families test a nursing home.

Any of these resources can help you in your search. Doing some more research helps to ensure that Mom or Dad or anyone in your family gets the best care. You want them to thrive as much as possible in a nursing home environment.

At Steve Watrel, P.A., we understand that not everyone has a good experience in a nursing home. Has someone in your family has had problems while staying in a nursing home facility? Talk to our lawyers. We handle unfortunate cases of nursing home abuse and nursing home neglect. We will be by your side every step of the way through a case and help you to understand how to seek justice for your family.


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Need Help? Contact Steve.

Steve Watrel, P.A. is the only accident and injury law attorney that has been personally fighting against nursing home abuse for 30 years in Jacksonville. Contact us and see the difference today.

136 East Bay St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
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